Friday, March 29, 2013

Sew Fun for Spring Break

It's spring break, I'm home with a to do list as long as my arm - SOOOOO time to make a project that I don't need from off Pinterest. My granddaughter loves fabric and she is learning to sew. We saw a cute fabric basket on Pinterest and headed to the fabric store.  Because she is about the sweetest girl ever, she suggested we get fish fabric since her mother is studying fish in her kindergarten classroom. She thought the basket would be good for holding the "fish stuff."  Brilliant.  I'm starting my Fish/Water Unit when I get back to school. We each made one. I am feeling an urge to make a bunch more BUT that aforementioned unit is not quite done yet.
A serious seamstress.

I'll put the fish nets and food in here at school. Saved some fabric for a table cloth too.
Everything looks better with good fabric draped over it! 
Now back to school work.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Free St. Patrick's Day Puzzles

Click on pot of gold to get free puzzles and worksheet.

Friday, March 8, 2013

FREE Character Map

Okay, so I went to the fantastic ILASCD Statewide Conference for Pre-K and Kindergarten Educators. Two full days of new information, fun ideas, and expert advice. I have a list of math games to start making but first ---- I wanted to try giving my readers a free document.  It's nothing fancy but it is free and hopefully you just click and download. If I get the hang of this look for lots more free stuff coming your way. Thanks fellow bloggers!
click image to get your free character map

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Sight Word Fun

I posted this activity last year too. The students "write" sight words using small building tools in our classroom. This year I added more building choices. Kids worked in small groups.  It took them awhile to discover how to form the letters - lots of intense discussions. They really wanted to use lowercase letters (I've taught them so well).  I did hint that uppercase might be easier with some of the materials. Our new "Magic E" sight words were made, make and like. Here are a few examples:

Ms. Hag Was Here

Ms. Hag was waiting for the students Monday morning.  She had a harsh voice and no patience. The FDKers weren't sure what to think of her. They seemed more upset about her hair than her teeth or abrasive manner. During the phonics lesson the FDKers decided that Ms. Hag needed a magic e at the end of her name.  Thank Goodness! Ms. Hag turned into Ms. Hage!

Hope the students remember the properties of Magic E so Ms. Hag won't need to make another appearance. Those teeth make me drool.